

温凉 黄琴 万绍兰 兰胜作 廖燕 王幼奇


【摘要】  目的 本文旨在研究青少年视屏行为特征,进而探究青少年非自杀性自伤行为与视屏行为的关系。方法 选取2020年7月至2022年12月在宜春市第三人民医院的门诊和住院患者为研究对象,收集人口统计学、非自杀性自伤行为、视屏行为的信息,对青少年进行调查,收回160份有效问卷,男生82名,女生78名。采取Logistic回归分析与c2检验方式,分析青少年非自杀性自伤行为的检出状况。

【关键字】  青少年,非自杀性自伤行为,视屏时间,关系


Objective This paper aims to study the characteristics of teenagers' video behavior, and then explore the relationship between teenagers' non-suicidal self-injury behavior and video behavior. Method From July 2020 to December 2022, the outpatients and inpatients in the Third People's Hospital of Yichun City were selected as the research objects, and the information of demography, non-suicidal self-injury behavior and video-watching behavior was collected, and 160 valid questionnaires were collected, including 82 boys and 78 girls. Logistic regression analysis and c2-test were used to analyze the detection of non-suicidal self-injury behavior of teenagers. Result The results showed that there was an age difference between boys and girls in their screen watching time (P<0.05), which increased with age, but there was no significant difference between the sexes (P>0.05). The highest incidence rate of NSSI was 60.1% without obvious injury, 11.2% with obvious injury, and 28.7% with different degrees of injury. The detection rate of girls' sporadic behaviors was higher than that of men's (P<0.05), and followed the age in an inverted "V" shape, reaching the peak at the age of 14. Teenagers whose video viewing time is more than 2 h/d have significantly higher non-suicidal self- injury, repeated self-injury and accidental self-injury behaviors than teenagers whose video viewing time is less than 2 h/d (P<0.05).

非自杀性自伤(non-suicidal self-injury,NSSI)行为指的是个体在自杀意图情境与无意识障碍下,重复、刻意伤害自身的、不致命的行为[1]。该行为是个体遭遇困境,产生无效应答的、多存于抑郁群体的一种行为。青少年出现NSSI行为概率较高,在于此类群体冲动性高、心智水平不成熟,容易采取不成熟的方式应对生活困难。据统计,全球青少年14%~15%出现过1次NSSI行为[2]。青春期作为个体成长特殊时期,较长视频行为则会影响青少年身心健康,降低身体素质,增加心理健康问题发生率,进而引发自伤行为[3]。可见,青少年NSSI行为与视屏行为关系必须引起人们重视,了解青少年成长行为情况。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 选择2020年7月至2022年12月在宜春市第三人民医院的门诊和住院患者为研究对象,开展实地测试调查,根据年龄、性别大体相同原则,以“分层整群随机抽样”,将无效调查剔除,收回160份有效问卷,男生82名,女生78名,年龄在12~17岁。 1.2 研究方法 1.2.1 文献资料法 查阅知网、万方、维普及高校图书馆等有关领域文献、知识,以“视屏时间”“非自杀性自伤行为”“青少年心理健康”为关键词,收集优秀期刊论文与硕博论文,查阅前沿研究内容,仔细整理收集文献。 1.2.2 问卷调查法 笔者采取问卷调查法调查研究对象的基本信息、家庭情况等,统计其1年内NSSI行为发生状况。使用渥太华自伤量表[4]作为NSSI评估工具,评估青少年NSSI行为频率问题是“实施自我伤害行为,却不是想自杀,过去一年共有几次”,回答问卷前,根据DSM-5中NSSI诊断标准建议,确定青少年自伤行为是NSSI不是自杀,做出评估。 1.2.3 数理统计法 研究对象数据根据个人向个别、年龄信息编号,录入NSSI行为状况、视屏行为状况等因素,以Excel整理、筛选录入数据,做好统计分析工作。根据吕子昕学者研究的视屏时间标准[5],本文以2 h为界值,日均视屏时间≥2 h是高视屏行为组,<2 h为低视屏行为组。部分研究中,过度视屏行为不利于人体身心健康,对青少年心理健康、危险行为均有影响,合理控制视屏时间,则可削弱其影响[6]。数据处理使用SPSS24.0软件,采取卡方检验、非参数检验等方法,当P<0.05时,则组间比较有差异。