干雯 张咏芬 梅锋
【摘要】 【摘要】目的 探析临床护理路径在普外科轮转护生带教中的应用效果。方法 选取2018年4月至2019年3月在我院普外科临床实习的24名轮转护生作为主要研究对象,采用数字随机表法分组,12名/组。对照组护生采用传统普外科带教,观察组护生采用临床护理路径普外科带教,比较两组护生的出科综合成绩、护生对带教工作、科室对护生的满意度。
【关键字】 临床护理路径,普外科,轮转护生,带教
[Abstract] Objective To explore the application effect of clinical nursing pathway in the teaching of general surgery. Methods Twenty-four rotation nursing students who underwent clinical practice in general surgery from April 2018 to March 2019 were selected as the main research subjects, and were grouped by digital random table method, 12 cases/group. The nursing students in the control group were taught by traditional general surgery. The nursing students in the observation group were taught by the clinical nursing path. The comprehensive scores of the nursing students in the two groups, the nursing students' teaching work, and the department's satisfaction with the nursing students were compared. Results After comparing the comprehensive scores of the two groups of nursing students, the theoretical knowledge score, practical operation score and case analysis score of the observation group were significantly higher than the control group. There was significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). The satisfaction scores of students' teaching work and the satisfaction scores of the department's nursing students were significantly higher than those of the control group. There was significant difference between the two groups. The overall evaluation of the nursing students in the observation group was higher than that of the control group. There are significant differences. Conclusion The application of clinical nursing pathways in the teaching of general nursing students can enhance the theoretical knowledge of nursing students and the mastery of nursing operation skills, improve the enthusiasm of nursing students, and also obtain the recognition of nursing students to students and departments, high satisfaction, worth promoting.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料:本次研究的对象是2018年4月至2019年3月在我院普外科临床实习的24名轮转护生作为主要研究对象,采用数字随机表法分组,12名/组。两组轮转实习护生的各项资料如下所示:观察组的12名轮转实习护生中,女生11名,男生1名;年龄最大20岁,最小17岁,平均年龄为(18.12±1.16)岁;学历:中专4例,大专及以上8例。对照组的12名轮转实习护生中,女生11名,男生1名;年龄最大21岁,最小17岁,平均年龄为(18.02±1.14)岁;学历:中专3例,大专及以上9例。两组普外科轮转护生的各项资料比较无明显差异,说明两组是存在可比性的。
1.2 研究方法:对照组采用传统教学模式进行教学,带教老师讲授教学内容,上课模式为面对面授课、集体授课,并在实体课上完成老师留下的作业内容。教学组长根据实习大纲的要求,为护生讲解每周查房和讲课的内容,以及考核时间等,向实习护生讲授护理专业知识和基本操作技能,在轮转实习结束后进行出科考核。观察组实施临床护理路径教学:带教第1周:向实习护生介绍普外科的相关规章制度,以及普外科的床位分配、环境设施等。同时,向护生介绍教学时间、教学效果评估方法、教学流程、教学周期等内容。带教第2周:组织护生学习普外科的常见疾病,以及各类常见病术前、术中、术后护理的相关护理常规及护理方法,由带教老师组织护生完成简单的术前准备和术后护理操作。安排护生为患者提供完整的护理服务,且带教老师要为护生提供资料,并向其介绍普外科急救物品、常规药品的禁忌症和适应症。带教第3~5周:指导护生进行针对性护理方法的学习,向护生介绍晨起护理与晚间护理的区别及需注意事项,卧床患者的护理方法等,以及综合护理、心理干预、配血及配皮方法等,重点指导护生学习普外科急重症的诊疗。带教第6~7周:指导护生书写临床文件,让其严格遵照文件的书写要求,定期组织护生进行相关培训。出科时,对护生进行综合评估,评估护生对于教学内容的掌握情况,并根据评估结果,及时修整教学计划,以便于不断提高普外科实习带教的教学效果。