



【摘要】  【摘要】目的 分析探究黄体酮胶囊联合地屈孕酮片治疗先兆流产的疗效。方法 本次将我院在2018年1月~12月收治的80例先兆流产患者视为研究的主对象,进一步以随机数字表法分成两个不同的组别,每组平均为40例;其中对照组患者给予黄体酮胶囊治疗,观察组患者给予黄体酮胶囊联合地屈孕酮片,对比两组用药效果及安全性。

【关键字】  黄体酮胶囊,地屈孕酮片,治疗,先兆流产,疗效


[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of progesterone capsule combined with didrogesterone tablet in the treatment of threatened abortion. Methods 80 cases of threatened abortion patients admitted to our hospital from January to December 2018 were regarded as the main subjects of the study. They were further divided into two groups by random number table method, with an average of 40 cases in each group. The patients in the control group were treated with progesterone capsule, while those in the observation group were treated with progesterone capsule combined with didrogesterone tablet. The efficacy and safety of the two groups were compared. Results (1) The time of waist pain, lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding elimination in the observation group was significantly shorter than that in the control group, and there were significant statistical differences between the two groups. (2) Before treatment, there was no significant difference in progesterone level between the two groups (P>0.05); after treatment, the progesterone level in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). (3) The total incidence of adverse reactions in the observation group was 7.50%, which was significantly lower than 27.50% in the control group. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05), with statistical significance. (4) In terms of the success rate of fetal protection, 97.50% of the observation group was significantly higher than 82.50% of the control group, and the data between the two groups had the value of statistical research (P<0.05). Conclusion Progesterone capsule combined with Didrogesterone Tablet is effective in the treatment of threatened abortion, with high success rate of fetal protection and slight side effects. Therefore, it is worth popularizing in clinical practice.

流产是指在妊娠不足28周、胎儿体质量不足1 kg而终止妊娠的活动,根据其发展进程可分为先兆流产、难免流产、不全流产、完全流产、过期流产5种类型[1]。先兆流产(threatened abortion)是一种有可能发展为流产的病症,孕妇在妊娠不超过28周时,由于染色体异常、内分泌异常、严重营养缺乏以及吸烟酗酒等不良习惯,出现阴道少量流血、阵发性下腹痛或腰痛等症状,经检查子宫大小与孕周一致,宫口未开且胎膜完整,无妊娠物排出,如若及时予以对症治疗,采取保胎措施,可继续妊娠[2]。所以,为了保证先兆流产患者的生命安全,有必要给予有效的治疗方法。此次将我院在2018年1月至2018年12月收治的80例先兆流产患者作为研究的对象,其目的是分析探究黄体酮胶囊联合地屈孕酮片治疗先兆流产的效果,涉及的研究成果如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料:本次将我院在2018年1~12月收治的80例先兆流产患者视为研究的主对象,进一步以随机数字表法分成两个不同的组别,每组平均为40例。其中,对照组40例中,最小、最大年龄分别为22、41岁,中位数年龄(29.12±2.43)岁;妊娠时间为5~11周,平均为(8.93±1.25)周;其中,初产妇18例,经产妇22例;②观察组40例中,最小、最大年龄分别为23、42岁,中位数年龄(28.76±2.27)岁;妊娠时间为5~12周,平均为(9.05±1.13)周;其中,初产妇19例,经产妇21例。由一般资料可知,两组比较均没有明显差异,P>0.05,代表两组有比较的意义。 1.2 入选和排除标准:入选标准:①患者经产科检查确诊为先兆流产,尿妊娠试验呈阳性,在临床上表现为阴道少量出血、腰部酸痛、下腹部阵发性疼痛等症状;②此次试验在医院所属医学伦理委员会监理下展开,患者知悉对照组、观察组治疗方案后,自愿参与,签署知情同意书后纳入研究[3]。排除标准:①合并有心、肝、肾等严重器质病变患者;②习惯性流产患者;③黄体酮胶囊、地屈孕酮片过敏患者[4]。 1.3 治疗方法:对照组给予黄体酮胶囊医治,即:使用黄体酮胶囊(浙江仙琚制药股份有限公司,国药准字H20041902),每12 h服药1次,100毫克/次,连续服药2周,口服。观察组给予黄体酮胶囊联合地屈孕酮片,在对照组基础上加服地屈孕酮片(Abbott Biologicals B.V.(荷兰),国药准字H20110211),每日1次,初始剂量为40毫克/次,随后可随着并且改善调节为每日2次,10毫克/次,连续服药2周。治疗期间,患者应卧床休养,给予吸氧及常规营养支持,加强心理护理干预,保持身心愉悦,禁止性生活。疗程结束后,对比两组临床疗效。