

李碧娥 刘琪亮


【摘要】  【摘要】目的 观察分析根管清洗糊剂在老年人后牙钙化阻塞根管中的临床应用效果。方法 选择2019年4月至2019年12月在我院口腔科接受治疗的老年后牙钙化阻塞病患60例为研究对象,按随机数字法分为对照组和实验组各30例,对照组使用氯亚明溶剂,配合ProTaper镍钛锉对钙化阻塞根管进行疏通治疗;实验组使用根管清洗糊剂,配合ProTaper镍钛锉对钙化阻塞根管进行疏通治疗,以根管是否通畅为指标观察比较两组病患临床治疗效果。

【关键字】  根管清洗糊剂,钙化根管,侵袭性牙周炎


[Abstract] Objective To observe and analyze the clinical application of root canal cleaning paste in the root canal of the elderly with calcification. Methods Select 60 elderly patients with post-calcium occlusion disease who were treated in the Department of Stomatology of our hospital from April 2019 to December 2019 as the research object.They were divided into a control group and an experimental group of 30 cases according to random number method. The control group Using chlorphenaminesolvent, together with ProTaper nickel-titanium file for dredging treatment of calcified obstructed root canal; theexperimental group used root canal cleaning paste, and ProTaper nickel-titanium file for dredging treatment of calcified obstructed root canal, based on whether the root canal is clear, and observed and compared the clinical treatment effects of the two groups of patients. Results The total effective rate of patients in the experimental group was 93.33%, which was significantly higher than that in the control group, 70.00%, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The use of root canal cleaning paste in the treatment of calcification of the posterior teeth of the elderly can effectively improve the clinical treatment effect, savetime, labor and cost,and have the value of clinical promotion and application.

