【摘要】 【摘要】目的 探究磷酸川芎嗪滴丸溶出度测定方式。方法 选择6批磷酸川芎嗪滴丸,分析对比使用水、磷酸盐缓冲液(pH=6.8)、醋酸盐缓冲液(pH=4.5)、盐酸溶液(pH=1.2)的溶出曲线,之后制定检验溶出度方式:以80%的标示量为限度、HPLC测定、取样20分钟、500 mL的水为溶出介质、转速为每分钟50转。
【关键字】 磷酸川芎嗪滴丸,溶出度,测定,溶出曲线
[Abstract] Objective To explore the dissolution determination method of ligustrazine phosphate dropping pills. Methods Six batches of ligustrazine phosphate dropping pills were selected and the dissolution curves of water, phosphate buffer (pH=6.8), acetate buffer (pH=4.5) and hydrochloric acid solution (pH=1.2) were analyzed and compared. The dissolution test methods were formulated as follows: 80% of the labeling amount was limited, determination by HPLC, sampling 20 minutes, 500 mL of water as dissolution medium, and speed was 50 revolutions per minute. Results There was no significant difference in the dissolution curves of 6 batches of ligustrazine phosphate dropping pills in four dissolution media: water, phosphate buffer (pH=6.8), acetate buffer (pH=4.5) and hydrochloric acid solution (pH=1.2). All the six batches of ligustrazine phosphate dropping pills could be dissolved in 15 minutes. Conclusion The dissolution rate of 6 batches of ligustrazine phosphate dropping pills determined by four dissolution media is reliable and accurate, which is helpful to control the quality of drugs and provide reference data for drug dissolution.
1 试药和仪器
1.1 试药:磷酸川芎嗪对照品(中国药品生物制品检定所,批号:100845-201002)100 mg;磷酸川芎嗪滴丸(批号:140638、140628、160104、151123、150804、160332);阴性样品。
1.2 仪器:①电子天平(BP-210S)。②针头式微孔滤膜过滤器:津腾0.45 μm孔径、13 mm直径。③高效液相色谱柱:迪马Cl8(5μ,250 mm×4.6 mm)。④高效液相色谱仪:岛津高效液相色谱仪(LC-2030检测器)。⑤溶出度仪:。
1.3 试剂:甲醇为色谱纯、其它试剂为分析纯。