李宛真 马秋玲
【摘要】 【摘要】目的 探讨综合医院中医科护理如何提升中医护理的能力。方法 将我院新入科的同时没有中医护理能力的护士作为研究对象,共选取13人,对其进行为期一年的中西医结合培训活动,对比这批护士培训前后的中医护理综合能力评分。
【关键字】 综合医院,中医科护士,中医护理能力
[Abstract] Objective To explore how to improve the ability of traditional Chinese medicine nursing in general hospitals. Methods Thirteen nurses who were newly admitted to our hospital without the ability of traditional Chinese medicine nursing were selected as the research objects. They were trained for one year in the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The scores of comprehensive nursing ability of these nurses before and after the training were compared. Result Compared before and after the training, TCM nurses' nursing ability improved significantly after the training compared with the comprehensive ability score before the training. Observation indicators included disease mastery score, four diagnostic methods use score, dialectical nursing score, health education score, TCM nursing plan score, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion For nurses of TCM department, TCM nursing training for nurses of TCM department in general hospitals can significantly improve clinical comprehensive TCM nursing ability, enhance nurses' own professional ability, and provide high quality nursing service for patients in our hospital.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料:将新招聘的同时没有中医护理能力的13名护士作为研究对象,并对其进行为期一年的中西医结合培训活动,其中学历:中专2人,大学专科10人,大学本科1人。年龄19~36岁,平均年龄为(28.25±1.20)岁。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 集中指导:将本次需要培训的护士集中进行指导,给予每位护士一本中西医护理教材,同时聘用此领域的专家进行专业知识讲解,对教材的内容进一步深入掌握,主要知识板块分为中医护理学、临床护理学、中医基础理论与实践结合等。每周进行一次整体专家辅导课。
1.2.2 自主学习:准备相关自学的书籍,不用每人一本但需要书籍覆盖面广一点,主要内容应有中医护理常规、技术操作规范、三基训练手册、中西医相结合等教学内容,通过书籍的学习使中医科护士提升自身护理能力,同时也能明确学习的大致方向。
1.2.3 中医操作:将本次参与实验的13名护士分组进行培训学习,以小组的形式进行护理操作内容的学习与实践,主要展示内容为中医护理操作,每月每小组进行展示一次,内容为:穴位按摩、中药熏洗、中药外敷、拔火罐、刮痧等,同时现代化护理理念也应同时融入,将中西医的理论与实践相结合。